Whenever you deploy your code and apply migrations in production, you’re entering dangerous territory. I’ll show common pitfalls and ways to avoid them.
Most websites require some kind of authentication. Email & password is common but sometimes not enough. In those cases 2FA adds an additional security layer.
Over the last few years SSL/TLS encryption of websites has risen tremendously. The Let’s Encrypt organization makes that pretty easy. And you can use it.
Django migrations are complex. They do a lot for you but sometimes you need to tell ‘em how to do things. There’s no reason to be afraid of that, though.
Whenever you deploy your code and apply migrations in production, you’re entering dangerous territory. I’ll show common pitfalls and ways to avoid them.
Over the last few years SSL/TLS encryption of websites has risen tremendously. The Let’s Encrypt organization makes that pretty easy. And you can use it.
Django migrations are complex. They do a lot for you but sometimes you need to tell ‘em how to do things. There’s no reason to be afraid of that, though.
Most websites require some kind of authentication. Email & password is common but sometimes not enough. In those cases 2FA adds an additional security layer.
Whenever you deploy your code and apply migrations in production, you’re entering dangerous territory. I’ll show common pitfalls and ways to avoid them.
Most websites require some kind of authentication. Email & password is common but sometimes not enough. In those cases 2FA adds an additional security layer.
Over the last few years SSL/TLS encryption of websites has risen tremendously. The Let’s Encrypt organization makes that pretty easy. And you can use it.
Django migrations are complex. They do a lot for you but sometimes you need to tell ‘em how to do things. There’s no reason to be afraid of that, though.