DevelopmentMarkus Holtermann

Dominator 1.0 released

As a result of my fourth semester at the university, my team and I created the DOMINATOR (de) program, an OpenGL 2.1 based 3D domino simulation. You can find a demo video at YouTube.

Dominator 1.0 Screenshot

In round about 13,000 lines of C++ code we solved this exercise. As a UI framework we decided to make use of the Qt framework which has perfect OpenGL integration. The lib3ds and the Newton Game Dynamics are used to import 3DS models and calculate the physical environment. Several 3rd-party libraries finalize the set of external software that we use for our project.

DOMINATOR 1.0 officially supports Microsoft Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). I tested it on Arch Linux as well and even developed it on my Arch Linux systems. But there is no install script for Arch right now, sorry for that, but you can easily compile it from source. See the links below and have a brief look at the development installation docs. In theory Mac OSX should be supported as well, but we couldn’t get Newton Game Dynamics compiled.

And here’s the code on Github.
