Thoughts About Normal and Abnormal Data

A lot of our data lives in databases. A lot of those databases are relational databases. They are called relational due to the way how objects refer to each other. But just because having references between certain records is “normal” and “what you should do” it doesn’t mean it’s the best choice.
This post is not about files. Neither in a file room nor your spreadsheet or PDF document. Everyone has their own system of how they store their files. And I think that’s a good thing.
This post is also not about document stores or document databases like MongoDB or CouchDB. In my opinion all these data stores have their reason to exist. It’s just not something I am looking into here.
What I am going to cover are relational databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL and a whole lot more. The key here lies on relational databases.
In order to understand what normal or abnormal data is, I need to talk about some database theory.
Database Theory
Let’s say we want to store a few person names, which planets they are from and what gender they identify with.
If you were to put that information in a database table this might very well look a bit like this:
Name | Home planet | Gender |
Padmé | Naboo | Female |
Luke | Tatooine | Male |
Leia | Alderaan, Naboo | Female |
There is a problem with this format, though. You need to store two planet names in a single cell. This is certainly possible but will eventually lead to problems. For example filtering for all people from Naboo can get tricky. If you are using PostgreSQL you can put that into an array field that can get around a few of these issues but not all.
First Normal Form
This is the time where in relational database theory the so called First Normal Form or 1NF is introduced.
First mentioned by Edgar Codd in 1971, there are a few criteria a table needs to fulfill for it to be considered in First Normal Form. Firstly, each cell must have atomic or indivisible entities. Secondly, each row needs to be uniquely identifiable.
When we apply these two rules, our table can look like this:
PersonID | Name | Home planet | Gender |
1 | Padmé | Naboo | Female |
2 | Luke | Tatooine | Male |
3 | Leia | Alderaan | Female |
3 | Leia | Naboo | Female |
We introduced a PersonID that we will start to use to reference a person. We also changed the combined “Alderaan, Naboo” value into two distinct rows. However, now the PersonID itself is not uniquely identifying anymore. As such, the key to identify a person now is a combination of PersonID and Home Planet.
This is all great and we’re happy now, but we can run into a problem over time while using our data. This table suffers from Update Anomalies. Let’s look at a subset at the previous table:
PersonID | Name | Home planet | Gender |
3 | Leia | Alderaan | Female |
3 | Leia | Naboo | Male |
If Leia were to change her gender and would identify herself as male, we would need to update every row in the table with the new gender. If we don’t update all rows but instead only update some, we end up with inconsistent data. And that is something you certainly don’t want to have happen to your production data.
Second Normal Form
To remedy this issue there exists a Second Normal Form or 2NF.
The Second Normal Form was defined by Edgar Codd in 1971 as well. In addition to the criteria from the First Normal Form it requires that all non-key attributes are fully functional dependent on the primary key. Now, what does that even mean? Let’s look at the table again:
PersonID | Name | Home planet | Gender |
1 | Padmé | Naboo | Female |
2 | Luke | Tatooine | Male |
3 | Leia | Alderaan | Female |
3 | Leia | Naboo | Female |
The primary key is the combination of PersonID and Home Planet. Because that’s what uniquely identifies are row.
A person’s name as well as their gender are each non-key attributes. They both are also functional dependent on the primary key. But don’t depend on the FULL primary key, but only part thereof. Name and gender only depend on the PersonID, so to say. The Home Planet doesn’t influence either. As such, this table violate the Second Normal Form.
We can solve this violation, though:
PersonID | Name | Gender |
1 | Padmé | Female |
2 | Luke | Male |
3 | Leia | Female |
PersonID | Planet name |
1 | Naboo |
2 | Tatooine |
3 | Alderaan |
3 | Naboo |
If we move the Planet Name into its own table and only reference the PersonID, we comply with the Second Normal Form. So far so good.
But now we want to extend our table of planet names. We want to add the planet Dagobah to our list. However, trying to do so will give us some trouble if we don’t have at least one person in our person table that is considering that planet their home planet. If we were to insert Dagobah into our planet table we couldn’t. There’s no person in our person table that would have Dagobah as their home planet:
PersonID | Planet name |
1 | Naboo |
2 | Tatooine |
3 | Alderaan |
3 | Naboo |
??? | Dagobah |
While this might not be an issue for fixed-data scenarios, it certainly is an issue in most situations these days.
There’s also another problem you might have already thought of: when we have trouble inserting data, we might as well have issues deleting it. And you’re right there.
Deletion Anomalies can happen as well. If we were to delete Luke from our persons table, then Tatooine wouldn’t have a person anymore that it belongs to. We’d thus need to delete that planet from the planet table as well:
PersonID | Name | Gender |
1 | Padmé | Female |
3 | Leia | Female |
PersonID | Planet name |
1 | Naboo |
??? | Tatooine |
3 | Alderaan |
3 | Naboo |
That’s kind of unfortunate, isn’t it? Let’s remedy this issue. You may already guess, when there is a First and Second Normal Form there probably is a Third Normal Form as well.
Third Normal Form
And you’re right about that! Like the previous two, the Third Normal Form or 3NF was defined by Edgar Codd in 1971. Simply put, in addition to the criteria for from the First and Second Normal Forms, it requires that all non-key attributes are dependent on the primary key, and only the primary key.
Looking at our table schema now, we have the person table with the primary key PersonID. Name and gender only depend on the PersonID. We could have more persons with the same name and different genders:
PersonID | Name | Gender |
1 | Padmé | Female |
2 | Luke | Male |
3 | Leia | Female |
Likewise for the planets, although multiple planets with the same name are somewhat unrealistic. The name and the amount of surface water only depend on the PlanetID primary key:
PersonID | Planet name |
1 | Naboo |
??? | Tatooine |
3 | Alderaan |
3 | Naboo |
New to the party here is the table combining PersonID and PlanetID. Those two fields also represent the table’s primary key. The table represents the m-to-n relationships between persons and planets. Thus preventing insert and deletion anomalies:
PersonID | PlanetID |
1 | 10 |
2 | 11 |
3 | 10 |
3 | 12 |
Database normalization is great!
A normalized database can solves the issues of insert, update and deletion anomalies I pointed out. But should you always normalize your database? Is a fully normalized database always a good idea?
Another Example
Let’s have a look at another example, a wiki. Imagine a simple wiki with pages where each page can have an arbitrary number of revisions. From a relational database perspective this could look a bit like this:
- PageID
- Name
- Slug
- RevisionID
- PageID
- Text
- Date
On the one hand side we have a Page object that identifies a single page. A page has a unique ID that we use internally to refer to it. A page also has a name attribute we use for displaying. And there is a slug attribute that also uniquely identifies a page object, very much like the PageID, but it is “human readable” and may change together with the name.
On the other side there is a Revision object. That object is used to store different versions of the text of a wiki page. The date attribute identifies when the revision was created. As such, the revision object with the newest date for a page represents the last revision.
Given that schema I would want 2 tasks to be solved:
- Task 1: Fetch a single page and its current revision
- Task 2: Fetch all page titles and the date of their current revision
As the first task I want to fetch a single page and the corresponding last or current revision. This is a quite common scenario. A user navigates to your wiki and you want to show the recent version of a particular page. How do you do that given the database structure I just showed?
The second task is somewhat less common but still useful; fetch all page titles and the date of their current or last revision. This could happen when a user opens your wiki’s sitemap or your index and you want to list all pages with their last revision data.
Well, for the first task, this is probably the simplest SQL query you could find that works across different databases. Using common table expressions or window functions if you are on PostgreSQL could be beneficial. But this is a pure SQL standard:
FROM page
INNER JOIN revision
page.page_id = revision.page_id
page.slug = 'some-slug'
You filter for the slug of the page, join your page and revision tables on the page id, sort by the revision date in descending order, and select the top 1 result.
Similarly for the second task we are fetching all pages with their most recent revision date. Adhering to what pretty much all relational databases understand:
FROM page
revision.page_id, MAX( date
FROM revision
) last_revs
page.page_id = last_revs.page_id;
We’re selecting the maximum revision date and corresponding page id for each page from the revisions table, join the result with the pages on the page id, and return the page’s name and last revision date.
Now with those two queries, let’s look at some numbers and statistics.
These scientifically absolutely unproven tests ran on an Intel i7, 8GB RAM and PostgreSQL 9.6.5. The database contained 10 thousand pages and 6 million revisions in total. Randomly created with an overall average distribution.
For my “benchmark” I ran the first query with 10 concurrent connections. Each connection fetched a fixed random subset of 1000 pages. Each page was fetched 10 times in a row. That comes down to a total of 100 thousand queries.
The second task I decided to just run the same query 10 times to get an idea of the timing. The second query is also not dependent on a particular page but on the full table.
For the first task, on average, the first call for a page took almost 20 milliseconds, whereas the subsequent calls were about 2.5 to 3 milliseconds. That’s easily explainable by cache hits for subsequent calls.
For the second task the query run time varied from about 3.5 to 7 seconds. There also wasn’t any useful caching happening. The cache misses are certainly something one can look at in details, but that’s beyond the talk and this post.
What I instead want to do is, restructure and denormalize the database structure a bit.
Denormalizing our Database
The only change compared to the previous schema is the added LastRevision column on a page which references, as you might have guessed, to the currently active revision for a page.
- PageID
- Name
- Slug
- LastRevision
- RevisionID
- PageID
- Text
- Date
Obviously, our SQL will have to change.
Instead of doing ordering in descending order by date and then limiting the result set to a single record, we can now directly access to last revision:
FROM page
INNER JOIN revision
page.last_revision_id = revision.revision_id
page.slug = 'some-slug';
For the second task we don’t need any subquery anymore which will make the query significantly more efficient:
FROM page
INNER JOIN revision
page.last_revision_id = revision.revision_id;
The picture the numbers for the first task draw looks quite similar. Except that the query time for the first call went from 20 milliseconds to just above 0.3 milliseconds. That is about two orders of magnitude faster for the first call.
The picture for the second task, though, is something I really like. Not only dropped the absolute query time for all calls, but subsequent calls of the same query heavily hit the cache.
While the average query time was around 6 seconds before, using the denormalized schema the query run time is about a 10th of that for the first call. Subsequent queries are about 200 times faster than the original average.
I guess what I want to show, normalizing your database is a good idea to prevent anomalies. It’s also a good idea to prevent data duplication and to keep your data consistent.
But what I also want to show you, there’s a time at which you should rethink your database design and may denormalize your database a bit. The important part is that you don’t start with that right in the beginning when you setup your project. You will not know how your project evolves and denormalization adds another layer of complexity. When you know your project, and when your database reaches a certain size, I suggest you look at the single bottleneck at a time.
Check what’s important for your users. And start there to optimize. But only go as far with denormalization as you feel comfortable. Because every layer of denormalization you add, needs to be maintained.